Sahiwal Cow Full Information With Price

Sahiwal Cow Full Information With Price

The Zebu breed of cattle called Sahiwal makes high-quality milk with a lot of butterfat. The Sahiwal came from the Sahiwal district of Pakistan and grew up in the Punjab region of India. The Sahiwal cattle came from the dry region of Punjab, which is on the border between India and Pakistan.

They used to be kept in large groups by herders, who were called "Charwahas." But when irrigation systems were built, farmers in the area kept fewer Sahiwal cattle so that they could be used to make milk.

In India and Pakistan, Sahiwal cattle are thought to be one of the best dairy breeds because they produce a lot of milk and don't get sick from ticks. Farmers love the Sahiwal breed of cow, which is rare.

Sahiwal's popularity comes from the fact that it is very good at making milk and having babies. Aside from that, milk from the Sahiwal breed is healthier and has more fat than milk from other imported cow breeds. When compared to other local breeds, this breed is a good milk producer. It can produce an average of 8–10 kg of milk per day with a 4.5% fat content over a period of 10 months. Its teats are bigger than those of other Zebu breeds, which makes it easier to milk.

India and Pakistan currently consider the Sahiwal a top dairy breed. Sahiwal milks calmly. They are sold to Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean due to their great milk output and heat tolerance.

Sahiwal Cow Distribution

Because the Sahiwal breed is unique, it is shipped to many different countries and regions. The Sahiwal breed got to Australia from New Guinea at the beginning of the 1950s. Australia chose the Sahiwal breed because it was a dual-purpose breed. It helped the Australian Milking Zebu and the Australian Friesian Sahiwal become the dairy breeds they are today.
Crossing high-quality Sahiwal sires with European breeds made carcasses with a good amount of fat on them, so Sahiwal cattle are now mostly used to make beef in Australia. It has been shown that Sahiwal bulls can have small, weather-resistant calves that grow quickly.
 The contribution of the Sahiwal breed to adaptability has been well documented in Kenya, Jamaica, Guyana, Burundi, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and several other African ecological zones where Sahiwals have been crossed with exotic Bos taurus breeds that are good at producing milk and beef but can't adapt to local conditions.
Sahiwal Cow Full Information With Price

Kenya's current Sahiwal cattle are descended from 60 bulls and 12 cows that were brought there between 1939 and 1963. People also think that the Sahiwal breed is the best for milk production among Bos indicus breeds. Kenya is Africa's main source of Bos indicus Sahiwal cattle, and it is also an important source of stock and sperm for the continent.
In the same way, this breed is sent to India and many other Asian countries. The cows' udders are well-developed and can hold the most milk of any breed of zebu. In Pakistan, the breed is protected by the Research Center for Conservation of Sahiwal Cattle.
Price of a Sahiwal cow

The price of a Sahiwal cow is usually based on how much milk it gives, how old it is, and how healthy it is. On average, it costs between Rs. 100,000 and Rs. 180,000 to buy a Sahiwal cow.
Feeding the Sahiwal cows

The best place for these Sahiwal cows to graze is on natural grassland. more using wanda and cotton seeds to feed animals like khal; they eat very well. some vitamins for cows' bodies.
Production of Sahiwal cow milk

Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, and Butana yield the most milk among Zebu breeds. Cows generate 2270 kg of milk when milking. Over 260–300 days, Indian Sahiwal cows produce 1400–2500 ksg of milk.
India and Pakistan have a shorter lactation time of 70–200 days with this breed. This cow's initial calving age is 37–48 months, with a 430–580-day interval. In Pakistani Sahiwal, initial calving occurs between 37 and 45 months, and calving intervals are 390 to 490 days.

Sahiwal cows can produce 20 liters of milk, but the imported variety can only produce 60. Unlike others, it may give birth to the calf forever. Unlike other imported breeds, it can endure harsh weather.
Sahiwal Cow Health Care

Ticks provide the greatest harm to cows in grassy environments. Once a week, acaricide should be applied to animals to prevent tick-borne infections. To keep internal parasites at bay, deworm the animals every three months, or every four or five months if necessary, depending on the helminth egg count in the feces.
Additionally, regular immunizations against infections such as foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, lumpy skin disease (LSD), and other epizootic diseases should be administered. For protection against foot-and-mouth disease, the East Coast Fever (ECF) vaccine is now commercially available and can be given to an animal once during its lifetime. Additionally, anthrax vaccinations should be administered twice a year.
Benefits of Sahiwal cows
  • The butterfat level of milk is around 4.5%, which is rather low.
  • Milk production will be determined by the degree of nutrition provided to the sahiwal, in addition to other management parameters.
  • It is inappropriate for grazing.
  •  It is suited for many calves during its lifetime, so replacements are unnecessary.
  • It conceives excellent male calves.
  • They are comprised of fewer cells.
The negative things about Sahiwal cows
  • Sahiwal can feed a lot of people.
  • It needs to be run at a high level.
  •  It is susceptible to illness and can develop milk fever.
  • The needs for food are high (90–110 kg of fresh forage per day, equivalent to three gunny bags).
  • Enough clean water is needed (a minimum of 60 liters per day, more for heavy yielders).
Sahiwal Cow milk

Sahiwal milk has 5–6% fat, compared to other breeds' 3%. Sahiwal's milk has alpha, beta, and globin proteins. Beta-protein contains alleles A1 and A2. Only the Sahiwal breed possesses allele A2, which has proline instead of histidine.
Benefits of Sahiwal Cow Milk

A2 cow milk (Sahiwal cow) has several advantages.
Amino Acids: Sahiwal cow A2 milk includes amino acids that combat obesity, asthma, joint discomfort, and mental illness.

Sahiwal cow milk contains omega-3 fatty acids, which control blood vessel function.
Amino fatty acid: Helps with fitness and vitality.

Calcium-rich: Sahiwal cow A2 milk is vital for bone growth and development. Calcium protects against migraines and reduces PMS symptoms. Gout prevention is another benefit.

Cancer prevention: Sahiwal cow milk protects colon cells from carcinogens.

Fat oxidation: Sahiwal cow milk increases fat oxidation and regulates parathyroid hormone-calcium release. Bone health benefits

Preventing anemia: Vitamins B2 and B12 help make red blood cells. This helps produce nerve cells and avoid anemia. B12 also helps cells utilize protein and carbs.

Sahiwal cow milk is high in vitamin A, which supports mucosa and epithelial tissue formation. Vitamin A deficiency causes cold rheumatoid arthritis.

Heart Function: Sahiwal The potassium in cow milk aids heart, neuron, and muscle function.Ear infections and other disorders are also prevented.

Kidney stone prevention Kidney stones are prevented by Sahiwal Cow A2 milk.
Reduces Acidity: Sahiwal Cow A2 milk reduces acidity.

Cholesterol regulation: Sahiwal Cow A2 milk reduces serum cholesterol.
 This additional allele helps cure cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease, making Sahiwal's milk a benefit to humanity. This makes Sahiwal cows scarce.

Diseases and Treatments (Sahiwal Cow)


Anaplasma marginale causes anaplasmosis. It causes fever, nasal discharge, coughing, teeth grinding, inappetence, and a pale, icteric mucous membrane.
 Acaricidal sprays or dips suppress insect populations. Anaplasmosis is diagnosed by serology. If the test findings are positive, a trained veterinary practitioner will treat you immediately.


Anemia increases body warmth, muscular weakness, sadness, and anorexia. Poor nutrition management, food deficiencies, and a colostrum deficiency cause the condition.
Vitamins A, B, and E, along with a 150-mg iron-dextrin injection, heal anemia.

Bacillus anthracis, a spore-forming rectangle bacterium, causes anthrax, a deadly livestock illness. Anthrax kills ruminants everywhere. The microbe's strong toxins cause many fatalities.
 The microorganism generates spores in the air. Inhaling or swallowing spores causes symptoms 4–7 days later. Animals perish within days of exhibiting symptoms. Anthrax spores from pastures infect them. Colorless, odorless, and tasteless spores can infect humans and animals.
Treatment: Only subacute illnesses may be treated. Only early treatment is possible. Ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, and penicillin treat them.

Mouth and foot disease

Foot-and-mouth illness: cloven-footed animals can contract this extremely infectious disease. Fever, vesicle development, and blisters in the udder, oral cavity, teats, and even on the dermis between the paws and above the hooves are symptoms.
Mammals that recovered from the condition had uneven coverings and malformed hooves. In India, this condition is frequent. The virus spreads directly or indirectly through feces, fluids, and hay. Cattle attendants can also carry it. It can be transmitted by recovered cattle or birds. Lameness, excessive fever, and hanging saliva
Ulcers should be treated with antiseptics. For the foot lesion, use 5:1 copper sulfate and coal tar. Vaccines should be given as instructed. Sanitized vesicles should be used to manage files and spores.
Mastitis, which causes mammary gland inflammation, is a leading cause of cattle deaths globally. Though external wounds or pressure promote gland enlargement, mastitis is most often caused by microorganisms (yeasts, fungi, and even viruses). Microbes that enter the teat canal and spread to the mammary gland cause diseases.
Mastitis can be prevented by soaking the teat in germicide after milking. Antibiotics are administered to pregnant heifers. Gramicidin, tyrothricin, and acriflavine are effective. Penicillin, sulphonamides, and streptomycin are other useful treatments.

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