How To Raise High Productivity Dairy Cows – Get The Most Out of Your Dairy Cows

How To Raise High Productivity Dairy Cows – Get The Most Out of Your Dairy Cows

There are certain processes that need to be followed for the creation of dairy cows so that the result really gives the expected profit, covering all the expenses. If you are having problems with your productivity, we will tell you the solution with some steps that cannot be wasted in cattle farming.

These are easy, low-cost suggestions that you should include in your management. All or some of these will undoubtedly help your property.

What is the best way to raise dairy cows?

If you already have dairy cows, how about giving your approval for each of the following steps? It will be easy to understand what needs to be altered and what is currently working effectively.

Choose the most suitable breed

Have you ever stopped to reflect that the bottom results can be due to the choice of generation? There are many options in dairy farming that suit our tropical climate well. But since the United States is a huge country, every region has its own characteristics.
First, explore the options of your colleagues who also make milk in your city. Second, after selecting the breed, focus on genetic quality. At the time of purchase, analyse its physical characteristics as well as its genealogy.

Have a physical structure that meets manufacturing requirements

When it comes to dairy cows, the conditions of your corral and milking parlour are very important. You don't need any technical equipment. Therefore, a good, simple parlour, even if manual, guarantees adequate milking.
But what makes a milking parlour suitable? Keep equipment clean and in good condition. In addition, they need to be well ventilated, with a floor that facilitates cleaning and prevents animals from falling.
In these two environments, don't forget about ventilation. Closed environments without air circulation are not suitable for dairy farming.

How to properly orient your employees

It goes without saying that hygiene is the cornerstone of raising dairy cows, right? So, always strengthen this familiarity. Always keep aprons and uniforms clean. Sterilisation of instruments should be done strictly. Caring for animals goes beyond food. Protecting them from diseases, especially mastitis and parasites, is part of this process.
Mastitis is a serious health problem in dairy farming. An infected dairy cow can stop producing up to three litres of milk per day. Above all, demand that hygiene be made part of the production routine. Hygiene in cow's milk: before, during, and after
Organising which employee will be in charge of which activity makes organisation easier. As a result, no procedure will be overlooked.

Cows need to be healthy and free from disease

A dairy cow should be healthy and disease-free to produce high milk production. Good management practises, including providing a clean and comfortable environment, can help reduce the incidence of disease and promote cow health. Cows are susceptible to many diseases, some of which can be fatal. Common diseases in dairy cows include bovine tuberculosis, brucellosis, and leptospirosis. 

Dairy farmers should be vigilant in monitoring their cows for signs of illness and prompting treatment if necessary. Bovine tuberculosis is a serious disease that can affect both cows and humans. Symptoms of bovine tuberculosis include weight loss, reduced milk production, and coughing. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to preventing the spread of the disease.

Brucellosis is another serious disease that can affect both cattle and humans. Symptoms of brucellosis include fever, miscarriage, and infertility. The disease can be spread through contact with infected animals or contaminated milk and milk products. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that can affect both humans and animals. 

Symptoms of leptospirosis include fever, muscle aches, and vomiting. The disease can spread through contact with contaminated water or soil. It is important to keep dairy cows healthy and free from diseases in order to achieve high milk production. Good management practises, including providing a clean and comfortable environment, can help reduce the incidence of disease and promote cow health.

To produce that much milk, a dairy cow must consume a lot of food and water each day

A dairy cow can consume up to 50 gallons of water per day. They also need a large amount of dry matter, such as grain, hay, or silage. A typical dairy cow will eat about 100 pounds of dry matter per day. To produce all that milk, a dairy cow must also have good genetics and be well managed.
Good genetics is important for two reasons: First, a cow must have the ability to produce a large quantity of milk. Second, she must be able to do so without consuming too much food. There are a number of breeds of dairy cows that are known for their high milk production, such as the Holstein.
Management also plays a key role in raising high-productivity dairy cows. Cows must be healthy and have access to clean water and good-quality feed. They also need to be kept in clean, well-ventilated barns. Cows that are stressed or sick are less productive, so it is important to minimise their exposure to any potential sources of stress.

So, if you want quality milk, don't neglect food

After choosing the breed, providing the proper facilities, and leading your team, what's missing? Pay attention to what is offered at the trough.
What is your creation system? Pasture or prison? It doesn't matter! Maintaining a quality feed is part of high productivity. If your option is pasture, don't neglect the foragers at any moment. Having a specific breed for dairy cattle maintains adequate nutrition.
In captivity, as the food base is all grain, be careful not to offer too much grain. Balancing with roughage prevents health problems like acidity. In addition to well-crafted feeds, which you can even learn to create yourself, Don't miss the opportunity: rations for dairy cattle.
The use of salt and additives is indicated. In the case of dairy cows, have you ever used sodium monisin? It is a compound that improves the absorption of nutrients by the body. It eases the rumen and helps in the digestion of food. That is, it is an ally in the production of dairy cows.

Shade and air conditioning are important for dairy cows

Remember what we said about the corral and milking parlour getting enough air? Is not for nothing. When subjected to high temperatures, cows' milk production decreases by up to 20%. However, features manage to avoid this disadvantage. Some tips include planting trees where cows graze. Apart from preventing loss of milk production, it keeps fertility fresh.
  • Explore the importance of shade for livestock.
  • Dairy Cattle Management: Thermal Tolerance
Farmers, we hope these guidelines will provide you with a better organisation of operations. Also, your financial reality may change. After all, our goal is to increase your productivity.

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