Corn Silage For Cattle: A Nutritious And Grassy Forage



Corn silage is common in all over the world livestock for two reasons: it provides salvation during droughts and year-round feed for confinement. Corn silage is made by chopping up the entire corn plant and fermentation process takes place within a few weeks, preserving the nutritional value of the fodder.

Our goal is to help you improve your profitability with every new harvest and for your cattle to perform better and produce higher quality results.

What exactly is corn silage?

Silage is a method of feeding that preserves the nutrients of the primary food preparation. There are several preservation techniques: drying, which is one of the most common; added frozen salt or sugar; Addition of radiation, acidification and chemical components.

In silage, primarily, vitamins and nutritional value are preserved through fermentation. Foods with a high moisture content yield the best results.

During fermentation, the production process needs to provide conditions for the growth of microorganisms, but at the same time, prevent the appearance of bacteria that can harm the health of the animal.

There are also many production processes and silos.

What are the benefits of corn silage for cattle?

Corn is a grain with a high energy content that is easy to grow in mostly countries . The entire plant is thought to be suitable for silage. Provides nourishment when grass is scarce. Encourages fattening all year for cattle maintained solely in confinement.
  • Use better seeds;
  • Always keep soil fertility high.
  • Prepare the soil according to culture.
  • Make appropriate arrangements.

Is corn a healthy feed for cattle?

Yes! Check out the key benefits:
  • It is highly digestible
  • It produces silage with a high quality
  • It is a large food, considered to be of high energy value
  • In animals with proper management, it promotes up to 1.5 kg of fat per day in calves over 18 months
  • Studies show that dairy cows, when they eat corn silage, increase production. Especially when it comes to Holstein cows

How to make corn silage?

Make sure your soil is always healthy and fertile. To do this, take care of the fertilizer and use it properly. It's important to keep pests like weeds, invasive plants, leafhoppers, and termites away from your crops.

There are certain steps involved in growing crops, starting with planting the seeds.

When it comes to harvesting corn for silage, the best time is when it has reached 30% dryness. This is because at this stage, the grain has the right nutritional value to feed and maintain healthy cattle.

In simple terms: take care of your soil, use fertilizer, and protect your crops from pests. Follow the necessary steps in crop production, starting with planting. Harvest corn for silage when it's 30% dry to ensure it has the best nutritional value for your cattle.

When to grow corn silage and when to sell it

If you have corn silage, you can store it as long as you do it carefully. Once the corn is ready, make feed whenever you can.

One important thing to remember is how much silage you need to produce. Always prepare the right amount for the number of animals and the length of time you want to provide feed.

To plan effectively, keep track of how much your animals eat:

  • Dairy cows: up to 20 kg per head per day or about 3 percent of live weight
  • Dry cows: 9–15 kg per day per head
  • Bull: 1.5% of live weight
  • Calves and cows: 5 to 6 kg per day
  • Fattening cattle: about 3% of live weight
Maize silage can be offered year-round. In captive systems, where the diet is 100% trough-concentrated, consumption is more common in all months of the year.

In pasture systems, livestock use more forage space in the dry season.

Do I need to use inoculant for corn silage?

For silage to really achieve the expected success, fermentation is required.

How to be sure that the material will really ferment? Use of inoculants. The name sounds strange, but the ceremony is very welcome in cattle.

An inoculant is a component in which bacteria are responsible for fermentation.
Of course, use is not mandatory. Producers who decide not to use the product in making corn silage can safely continue with the normal process.

However, the inoculant facilitates the preservation of the silage, preventing spoilage.

Corn silage with wet grain

Moist corn kernels also give good results in cattle.
If you are wondering why serve this food format, below are the benefits.

  • The price is about 15% lower
  • Increase feed conversion which can be as high as 27%
  • provides more weight (up to 13%)
  • Aruba's production costs are reduced
  • Silo is exempt from production steps
When the property decides to produce wet grain silage, the harvesting point shifts. According to the old paradigm, grain is harvested when it reaches 30% moisture and no more dry matter. The dampness of the grain itself aids in the preservation of the ensiled maize.

What should be added to the corn silage in the trough?

Silage is a fantastic choice. It satisfies hunger and keeps animals fed. It is, however, a type of diet that does not work miracles on its own. Supplement feed and supplements in times of drought or water, confinement or pasture. In the next lines, we shall explain why we should employ each of them.

Food balance

Better performance is ensured by balancing cattle feed with corn silage and other options. In addition, the presentation of other elements facilitates and improves digestion and food conversion. That's why, producer friends, here's the guideline: Always strike a balance between big and concentrated.

We know that the rush of fattening cattle and seeing direct results at scale is what drives our business so far. But for this we need to raise awareness and focus on livestock health. Excessive grains, at first, may actually seem like a good idea. However, when livestock consume large amounts, certain diseases are more likely to appear.
Rest assured that we will explain what they are right here.

Because our schedule is so demanding, some information simply slips undetected. Taking care of everything, down to the smallest detail, is difficult.


The feed is a fundamental complement to feed and fatten the cattle directly in the trough. When the producer provides conditions for the bovine to develop from what is served, productivity only tends to increase. But, will any ration do? There are many preparation tips out there. However, has what you stocked your trough even today given the expected return?

Ration is a very important part, so it can't be just anyone. Each ingredient has a specific function. Another point we need to inform you is: each phase needs a different ration. Why? Each requires a different growth and development effort.


Feed, silage, and supplements are all available. That sounds like a lot of reading for livestock. However, we promise you that such is not the case. And don't think of them as something beyond your means. The return appears, accompanied by expressive arrobas.

What we must remember is that the excellent outcome of bovine breeding is dependent on a number of elements. Corn silage, along with feed and additives, cannot fatten on their own.

One of the management attention factors is what is served in the trough. The financial return occurs when everything that the cattle requires in terms of food, nutrition, and disease control is combined.


Many concierges in Brazil are terrified of serving urea. Because providing this supplement requires caution owing to the possibility of drunkenness, many people decide not to take the risk. Indeed, the property that does not employ the utilization of urea lags behind others that do.

We hear that several producers have already lost animals after consuming wet urea or higher-than-recommended amounts. However, the benefits are significant when you work with a covered trough and a proper amount.

If you're among the ranks of those who have suffered from urea-induced head loss, we have an alternative: Total Urea Premium. The only urea that can be soaked in a trough without harming animal health. what is the meaning of this? Among the many challenges and concerns to deal with, the use of urea is no longer one of them. Simply add it to the trough as directed and enjoy the benefits.

But, if you are one of those who prefer to clear all possible doubts, we also advise you to use this new urea and other supplements mentioned in this tip. Just click and make an appointment with zero cost, i.e. it's a free service: I want to schedule my consultation about urea that can be dipped in the trough.


Every producer wants a herd that increases weight at each stage. And it is unquestionably yours. Add virginiamycin to the trough along with the corn silage.

This supplement is a performance booster that, when combined with proper handling, disease prevention, and a well-balanced food, results in weight increase that exceeds expectations.

Virginiamycin, which is already widely used , causes the animal's body to absorb all nutrients from everything taken by each cow. As a result, fattening occurs without error.

Another benefit of offering virginamycin is the prevention of digestive diseases. When we stress that a diet doesn't have to be 100% concentrate-based, there's a good reason for that.

Ruminal acidosis and tympanism are indeed health problems that greatly affect our cattle. Cattle are sick to the extent that they are not growing as expected.

Digestive disorders

Now, why do we need to avoid the issues that impede ruminant digestion?

Fattening, on the other hand, begins in the mouth as soon as food is presented. Whether it's pasture, feed, or corn silage.

Acidosis develops when excessive grain fermentation proceeds too slowly in the rumen. When cattle exhibit signs of dehydration and loss of appetite, activate the alert signal. Consult a veterinarian as soon as possible to try to rectify the situation.

Because it is so important, how about reading it and being as cautious as possible? You can get to it right here: Ruminal acidosis can be avoided with modest dietary changes.
The cause of tympanism is the same as that of acidosis: an abundance of grains. Breathing and movement difficulties are common symptoms. Consider this animal's plight, livestock farmer friend...

As a result, preventing this problem as much as possible is part of animal welfare and successful property protocol.

Animal protection

The concept of avoiding health risks and increasing animal welfare is gaining traction. It's not a fashion statement. It has been proved that well-treated cattle produce more.

Violence, kicking, and the use of clubs, particularly when cattle are being closed, must be prohibited on your land. Speak with the pawns. Make your employees aware of animal welfare issues. Cattle under stress and fright do not develop normally. Quite the contrary. There are numerous methods for managing cattle available today that do not involve rapid movements that can result in accidents and bruising.

Excessive heat and cold

In addition to human action, other events make cattle stressed. One of them is the weather. Firstly, when exposed to the hot sun for long periods, a phenomenon called heat stress occurs.

Second, the negative effects are also felt on the scale. Discomfort, dehydration and even intoxication happen in properties that don't offer shelter from the hot sun.

If the construction of a shed is not possible, the use of this space can be both for protection from the sun and for protection from rain, plant trees. Agroforestry corridors make this technique extremely simple. Another indicator is participation in the ILFP system - Crop, Forestry, and Livestock Integration.

As much as possible, avoid illness.

Digestive issues are a separate issue that we have already discussed. Other diseases, however, must be avoided. Surely, the person in charge of your company has an excellent vaccination application plan.
Some of these are required. In other words, the buyer demands proof of the application.

Otherwise, the negotiation is canceled. This is a standard requirement in the commercialization of products that will be delivered outside. So, if you intend to export the meat or milk produced, strictly adhere to the sanitary calendar.

The vaccine's efficacy is ensured by proper application. Never, ever disregard hygiene. Before closing the livestock, train the employees involved in this action. Reinforce the rules and follow all of the stages to ensure that the process achieves its goal of preventing major illnesses.

Would you drink the water supplied to your cattle?

Throughout the essay, you had the impression that we were constructing a successful business from detail to detail.

And water is a part of it because it is a necessary component for all living things. Water is an unavoidable ally in achieving above-average productivity.

Drinking fountains demand attention in addition to keeping the water pure. Place them in conveniently accessible areas. In addition, keep an eye out for mud. Excess clay attracts germs, flies, and other disease-carrying insects in addition to causing hoof disease.

Which water should I offer? There is no color, smell, or taste. For example, the one that we humans consume every day. The amount must be sufficient for the herd.

If one drinker isn't enough, add another. And so forth. The average daily water consumption per head ranges between 22 liters (for cattle weighing up to 250 kg) and 78 liters (for calves in the finishing phase).

Other types of silage for cattle besides corn silage

Corn silage is truly one of the most consumed by our livestock. However, there are others. Look for other options when grain prices are high in the market. Always research alternatives so you don't run out of food in your trough.

To make your search easier, we've curated a selection especially for you:


Sugarcane is delicious when eaten raw. However, the silage format also works well in cow feed.
Furthermore, because it is another extremely easy crop in our soil and we had the option of planting it on the land, we were able to conserve resources.
It is sufficient to have the aforementioned machinery to facilitate harvesting and participate in silage production.


It is one of the most basic and easily accessible. After all, having a decent quality pasture is enough. And, like with the other silage instructions, prepare it before the dry time.When the grass reaches its nutritional peak, the producer can provide greater feed performance for the cattle.

However, simply producing and selling silage is insufficient. Finally, if you want your fattening to be expressive, take good care of your pasture. As previously stated, take proper care of the soil and avoid pests.
Always select a species that is highly productive in your area. Furthermore, it makes good use of its production (meat or milk) and cattle phase (raising, reproducing, and fattening).


Sorghum is another grain used in cattle. In addition, the property manages to establish a link between itself and the corn. When price increases affect one or both, being able to limit extra spending is critical.

Sorghum is a cereal that is high in friend. The nutrition is quite similar to corn, reaching 90%.


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